AUDIO: Roger Stone

The veteran GOP political consultant is back on the book beat, promoting his most recent read “Stone’s Rules: How to Win at Politics, Business, and Style”. 


Roger Stone’s worked for several big names in the Republican Party, including President Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and most recently President Trump.


Stone’s new book breaks down all of his secrets accrued through years of working in the Beltway, and lists them in an easy to read, digestible style.  And we mean style literally, as he also explains all of the ways a grown man should put himself together, including clothes, hair and presentation.


Does a well-dressed man need to break the bank to get new threads?  Not necessarily, as you’ll hear Roger explain what a man should do to perfect his wardrobe.


Can’t see the audio player below?  Click here to stream the interview on your phone or browser.



Roger Stone talks newest book

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